Membership Overview
The establishment of NAIPEC’s Membership Program brings a new perspective and opportunity to Native American Tribes. In the creation of several levels of membership involvement, NAIPEC is seeking to fulfill its mission of engaging and working with, for and in Indian Country to help breath life into new ideas in the Native American community, and to help foster and cultivate invention, innovation and creativity through the development and management of Intellectual Property as an asset to long-term community and business growth.
Achieving NAIPEC’s mission is a collective task. We are actively looking for support to transform Native American communities throughout the US into thriving centers for critically needed innovation.
Membership is available to all the critical sectors needed to achieve our goals. Membership is structured on several levels to ensure that members can contribute in the most appropriate and advantageous way, and so that NAIPEC continues to further the interests of Indian Country as its primary focus.
The NAIPEC Leadership Forum
NAIPEC’s Leadership Forum establishes a bridge between the organization and the leadership of the Native American community. Membership of the Leadership Forum is open only to established Tribes and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs). Members enjoy access to a number of unique benefits and are also encouraged to provide leadership guidance for NAIPEC and to help establish robust relationships with NAIPEC and the Tribes and communities it seeks to serve. Members may also receive tax exemption for their contributions as allowed by law.
Membership of the Leadership Forum is structured on two levels.
NAIPEC Leadership Forum Membership $5,000 p.a. (TCU – $3,000)
Members receive:
- The NAIPEC e-letter – packed with ideas and news about IP and innovation trends
- Invitations to special events held by NAIPEC.
- Exclusive access to White Papers and information on IP developed by NAIPEC and IP experts.
NAIPEC Leadership Forum Inner Circle Membership $10,000 p.a. (TCU – $5,000)
Members receive all of the above, and additionally:
- Membership of the NAIPEC Advisory Board for one person chosen by the Tribe or TCU.
- Invitations to special events held by NAIPEC, including,
- Quarterly Conference Calls with T. David Petite and other high profile IP experts.
- Consultative sessions with NAIPEC’s IP Expert Panel on up to two specific IP issues per year.
The NAIPEC Big Sky Round-Table Membership $25,000 + p.a.
NAIPEC’s Big Sky Round Table Membership is open to Tribes, Tribal Businesses, Corporations, Foundations and other institutions whose support, guidance and input would provide material benefit to NAIPEC in its mission. Big Sky Round Table members may also receive tax exemption for their contributions as allowed by law.
Members receive:
- The NAIPEC monthly e-letter
- Invitations to special events held by NAIPEC
- Regular reporting on the new technology filings to be made public, and offered pre-selection on any pre-development for licensing patent-applied-for technologies and or service goods.
- Quarterly (or ad hoc) reports and introductions to Native American inventors and business leaders
For more information on NAIPEC membership please contact: Kim B. Ribbans, Executive Director, NAIPEC. or +1.404.952.9040